
Which Animal Is Both Male And Female

List of Hermaphrodite Animals

i Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images

Many invertebrates and a significantly smaller number of vertebrates are hermaphrodites. A hermaphrodite possesses both male and female reproductive organs during their life span. Some of these animals self-fertilize, while others require a partner. Hermaphroditism is a varied way of reproduction that manifests differently depending on the affected species.


Most snails are hermaphrodites. The only exceptions include certain freshwater and marine species, such as apple tree snails and periwinkle snails. In addition to hermaphroditism, snails are likewise early bloomers; they are sexually mature by the time they reach a year onetime. The giant African land snail, Achatina fulica, is the largest species of snail on earth and is capable of laying up to 500 eggs at once. Every bit hermaphrodites, they primarily mate with partners, but are besides capable of self-fertilization in rare instances.


Echinoderms are marine invertebrates. They include sea stars, sea cucumbers, ocean urchins and sand dollars. Some of the near well known echinoderms are likewise hermaphrodites. Certain species of ocean star, like the mutual cushion star (Asterina gibbosa), are sequential hermaphrodites -- irresolute gender from male to female. A cushion bounding main star spends its first three years as a male and the next 3 as a female. While ocean cucumbers -- elongated, squishy echinoderms -- and sea urchins are usually divided into separate, distinct sexes, hermaphrodites can exist throughout different species.


Some other class of invertebrates, worms, adds to the proliferation of hermaphroditism. Some worms tin fertilize themselves, simply for the most part worms demand a mate to reproduce. Consider the earthworm's mating ritual. During fertilization, earthworms bring together together with their heads facing opposite directions and pass sperm and eggs between themselves into a joined cocoon. Their reproductive procedure tin occur either above or beneath the soil when an earthworm emits a pheromone that signals information technology's set up to reproduce.


Around 21 families of fish are natural hermaphrodites. These unique hermaphroditic vertebrates include snook, clown fish, wrasse, angelfish, grouper, goby, parrot fish, sea bass and anthias. Synchronous fish, hermaphrodites that are male and female person the same time, are much less common than sequential hermaphrodites. Sea bass are one case of a synchronous hermaphrodite, though they cannot self-fertilize. The more mutual sequential hermaphrodites include species of wrasse, which volition oftentimes turn from female to male when the dominant male in their grouping dies.

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