
Were Animals Hurt In The Makings Of The Vikings

10 pop movies that faced claims of animal abuse

Animal abuse on the set of Hollywood movies has been a controversial topic for decades. Since 1939, the American Humane Association has monitored the treatment of animal actors on sets of thousands of films, giving most of them its famous seal of approval, stating that "No animals were harmed" in the making of the movie.

The effect made national news again this week when video from the set of the upcoming film "A Domestic dog's Purpose" was released by TMZ, showing a frightened dog being forced to enter rushing water and beingness submerged earlier a coiffure member yelled "Cut!"

Later on the video was released, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals — which has argued for estimator-animated animals to replace living animals in movies — called for a boycott of the motion-picture show, which is slated for release on Jan. 27. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Universal Pictures canceled the Los Angeles premiere of "A Canis familiaris'south Purpose" one day after the video surfaced.

"A Dog's Purpose" is just the latest movie to confront claims of on-prepare animal abuse. Listed beneath are x other popular films that faced similar allegations in the past.

"Heaven's Gate" (1980)

Labeling "Heaven's Gate" as "pop" may exist a stretch — information technology notoriously bombed at the box office — just information technology stands as perhaps the near notorious case of rampant on-fix fauna abuse. According to the American Humane Association and various reports, several animals were killed in brutal ways while making the flick, including a horse that was "blown up" with dynamite. Other beast corruption reports from "Heaven's Gate" include real cockfights, horses being tripped, cattle being cutting and chickens being decapitated.

"The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" (2012)

Co-ordinate to a massive 2013 investigation into the American Humane Association's practices by The Hollywood Reporter, 27 animals died on the set of the 2012 blockbuster "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey." The creatures, including sheep and goats, died of awful causes including dehydration, burnout and drowning. Despite the deaths, the American Humane Clan didn't further investigate and somewhen gave the film a "carefully worded" seal of approving, according to The Independent.

"Pirates of the Caribbean area: The Curse of the Black Pearl" (2003)

One of Disney's almost popular movies faced reports of beast corruption subsequently The Hollywood Reporter looked into reported incidents during its filming. "Many smaller animals" — including fish and squid — were killed after explosions were detonated in the ocean. "No 1 thought they would result in disturbing the marine life, so no precautions were taken," according to documents from the production of "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Expletive of the Black Pearl." Dead marine life was seen "washing up on shore" for 4 days following the shoot.

"The Adventures of Milo and Otis" (1986)

This sweet movie most a kitten and a pug who get friends was a favorite of many kids who grew upwardly in the 1990s. "The Adventures of Milo and Otis" was also looked upon controversially, based on reports of animal corruption while information technology was existence filmed. According to a 1990 Australian paper report, more than 20 kittens were killed during its production and one cat'south paw was intentionally broken to make it look unsteady when walking.

"Ben-Hur" (1959)

Upon its release, "Ben-Hur" was a massive blockbuster that won 11 Oscars, which still stands every bit the highest tally in history. Simply according to film historians, as many every bit 100 horses were killed during the production of the iconic motion picture. The second-unit director of "Ben-Hur" reportedly ordered horses be shot and killed "if they limped," without seeking veterinarian care.

"Stagecoach" (1939)

Western movies ofttimes use horses during activeness sequences, making them rife targets for potential creature abuse investigations. The critically beloved 1939 moving picture "Stagecoach" faced several claims due to the apply of a controversial stunt device that has since been banned. According to the A.5. Club, the crew of "Stagecoach" fabricated use of a device that used wires attached to a equus caballus's legs to "yank" their legs out from under them as they ran, forcing them to violently fall. The device resulted in the deaths of several horses.

"Life of Pi" (2012)

Function of the aforementioned Hollywood Reporter investigation into Hollywood animal abuse focused on troubling incidents from the prepare of the Oscar-winning moving picture "Life of Pi." The flick's co-star is a Bengal tiger and the real-life creature used in the picture show was reportedly treated poorly on set — and his mistreatment was allegedly covered up past the American Humane Clan. King, the existent-life tiger used in the movie, well-nigh drowned during the shoot, co-ordinate to people on prepare.

"First Blood" (1982)

The showtime Rambo flick presents a roughshod delineation of gainsay violence but manifestly some of the animals used during its filming were forced to suffer real-life suffering on the set. American Humane Association accounts indicate rats were killed in diverse means, including being "burned past an actor" and being "squeezed and hurled against a wall." As a consequence, "First Blood" was deemed "Unacceptable" by the American Humane Association'southward ratings lath.

"Speed Racer" (2008)

This live-activity movie version of the classic drawing "Speed Racer" was dogged by PETA because of reports of animal abuse on fix. People on set of the picture claimed a chimpanzee actor used in the flick was "beaten" afterwards information technology bit a human actor. The movie was deemed "Unacceptable" past the American Humane Association as a result of the incident.

"Flicka" (2006)

Another heartwarming movie about an brute that ironically came under burn for unsafe practices was "Flicka." During the filming of this family moving picture, two horses were killed. The American Humane Association classified the deaths every bit "unpreventable accidents," but they evidently would not accept happened had the horses never been used in filming in the first place. 1 horse was euthanized after breaking its leg during a scene and another broke its neck when it tripped on a rope while running.

Clint Davis covers entertainment and trending news topics for the Scripps National Desk. Follow him on Twitter @MrClintDavis.

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