
Is There A Cricket In Animal Medicine Cards By Jamie Sams

Splash Fire, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 2008, photo © 2008 by QuoinMonkey. All rights reserved.

Splash Fire (Dreamscape), Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 2008, photo © 2008 past QuoinMonkey. All rights reserved.

Winter Solstice is peaking in the Great White North. The darkness of winter reflects off the common cold blue snowfall. Yesterday we had blizzard weather and the cottage sits behind a wall of white. I wanted to get up and write in the shadows, calling upon dreams I wish to bring into the calorie-free.

Mr. StripeyPants sits beside me on the couch, trying to proceed warm. Kiev and Liz are still asleep. Chaco, anoint his heart, is spending the weekend in an animal hospital. He declined quickly this week and, after two visits to our vet, we had to make the hard decision to put him in emergency care over the weekend.

The doctor called last nighttime to say he is steadily improving. At 12 years onetime, he is experiencing the beginnings of kidney failure. Nosotros are non sure how long we'll accept with him. Quite a few tears were shed this calendar week. Into the fire it all goes. I tin release the grief and hurting. I don't take to carry the burden.

Winter Solstice in Minnesota hitting her highpoint effectually 6 a.yard CST. From that moment on, each 24-hour interval takes us more into the light. The Universal Time for Winter Solstice in 2008 is 12 21 12:03:34 UT. In the Midwest, we accept to subtract vi hours to arrive at the accurate time zone. (To larn more most Solstices and how to interpret time for your office of the world visit the links and comments in Solstice Fire In Winter or Wintertime Solstice — Making Lite Of The Dark.)

Around Noon we volition head over to our friends' home for a Wintertime Solstice celebration. They usually employ the dried and cutting Yule tree from terminal year's flavour as kindling to offset the burn down. On the longest night of the twelvemonth, nosotros'll draw on the cave-like energy of Acquit, Spirit Guardian of the North.

Behave is feminine reflective energy. She is known across many cultures equally a symbol for divinity and healing, and a powerful totem. Co-ordinate to the Animal Spirits cards, illustrated by Susan Seddon Boulet, the Ainu people of the northern islands of Japan believed the Bear was a mount god. In Republic of india, bears are believed to forestall affliction and the cave symbolizes the cavern of  Brahma. And amid the Finno-Ugric peoples, the behave was the god of heaven.

Many Native American peoples regard Carry as a Spirit helper. Here is an excerpt from the Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams and David Carson:

The strength of Bear medicine is the power of introspection. It lies in the West on the great Medicine Wheel of Life. Deport seeks dearest, or the sweetness of truth, within the hollow of an one-time tree. In the winter, when the Water ice Queen reigns and the face of decease is upon the Earth, Acquit enters the womb-cave to hibernate, to digest the yr's experience. It is said that our goals reside in the Due west also. To accomplish the goals and dreams that we carry, the fine art of introspection is necessary.

To become similar Bear and enter the safety of the womb-like cavern, we must modulate ourselves to the energies of the Eternal Mother, and receive nourishment from the placenta of the Great Void. The Bully Void is the identify where all solutions and answers live in harmony with the questions that fill up our realities. If nosotros choose to believe that at that place are many questions to life, nosotros must besides believe that the answers to these questions reside inside us. Each and every being has the chapters to placidity the mind, enter the silence, and know.

     -from the Medicine Cards by Jamie Sams & David Carson

Bear is the West, the intuitive side, the right encephalon. Bear invites us to calm the chatter and enter the silence. To hibernate, Deport travels to the Cave, seeks answers while dreaming, and is reborn in the Spring. In the Dream World, our Ancestors sit down in council and advise us nigh alternative pathways leading to our goals. They open up doors to inner-knowing where "the death of the illusion of physical reality overlays the expansiveness of Eternity."

My Grandmother Elise's birthday is on Wintertime Solstice. And I often think of her this time of year and call her Spirit into the Circumvolve; I tin experience her looking downwardly on usa. Solstice is a fourth dimension of release, a time to consider what to leave behind in the nighttime, what seeds we wish to plant that may mature with the light of Spring.

Happy Wintertime Solstice to all. The dark New Moon signifies the showtime of a new bicycle that will come to fruition at the next Full Moon. May you celebrate with open hearts. Merry meet, Merry part, and Merry come across again.

Bear Breathing Fire, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 2008, photo © 2008 by QuoinMonkey. All rights reserved. Bear Breathing Fire, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 2008, photo © 2008 by QuoinMonkey. All rights reserved.

Deport Breathing Fire, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 2008, photo © 2008 past QuoinMonkey. All rights reserved.

-posted on ruby-red Ravine, Winter Solstice, Dominicus, December 21st, 2008

-related to posts: 8 Minutes, and x Things I Learned Terminal Weekend (Solstice x Number)

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