
How To Get A Exotic Animal License In California

What Exotic Animals Can I Own in California

Is it but me, or does California have some of the toughest laws regarding exotic pet ownership?

If you consider an exotic pet, check out this list of crazy, strange, wacky, and weird animals that are legal and illegal to own in California.

List of Legal Exotic Pets in California

person approving of something

According to the Legal Information Plant(i) (LII), an exotic brute is defined as "any beast not identified in the definition of "animate being" provided in this part that is native to a foreign country or of foreign origin or character, is not native to the United States, or was introduced from abroad.

This term specifically includes animals such as, simply non limited to, lions, tigers, leopards, elephants, camels, antelope, anteaters, kangaroos, and water buffalo, and species of foreign domestic cattle, such as Ankole, Gayal, and Yak."

Below is the full listing of legal pets in California:

  1. Alpacas & Llamas
  2. American Bisons– American Bisons, are species of bison (large bovines) native to North America. Even though they are large and powerful, they are ane of the exotic animals y'all can ain.
  3. Asian Water Buffalos
  4. Bearded Dragons
  5. Camels
  6. Chameleons
  7. Chinchillas
  8. Chinese Water Dragons– AKA Asian Water Dragons. Chinese Water Dragons are a breed of lizards native to Southern China and Southeast Asia. They range in color from lite green to dark dark-green with vertical, slanted light-green or turquoise stripes on their bodies. Also, they have a blend of orangish, peach, and xanthous on their throat and accept a stake yellowish or white abdomen.
  9. Desert Tortoises– Co-ordinate to the California Turtle & Tortoise Guild (3), California'south law states that a allow is needed to possess a Desert Tortoise and whatever other species of Gopherus such equally a Texas Tortoise or a Gopher Tortoise.
  10. Geckos
  11. Republic of guinea Pigs
  12. HamstersAre hamsters illegal in California? Information technology depends on the species of hamster. While there are 19 officially recognized hamster species, just five are commonly kept as pets. They include Campbell's Dwarf Hamster, Chinese Hamster, Roborovski Dwarf Hamster, Syrian Hamster, and Winter White Dwarf Hamster. The just legal ones in California are the iii Dwarf species and the Syrian. Chinese Hamsters are illegal in the country.
  13. Hybrid Cats– Hybrid cats are legal in California because they are technically domesticated animals. The nearly common hybrid cats are Bengal Cats (domesticated cat breed created from hybrids of domestic cats, specially the Spotted Egyptian Mau with the Asian Leopard Cat) and Savannah Cat (hybrid cat brood that is a cross between a Serval Cat and a Domestic True cat).
  14. Jellyfish– In that location are about two hundred species of jellyfish around the world. The most common species kept as pets is Moon Jellyfish, clearly identified by their translucent, moonlike bell.
  15. Large Constrictor Snakes– Non-venomous constrictor snakes are legal in California, including Dark-green Anacondas (grow to an average of 20 to 30 feet long and counterbalance more than 550 pounds), Burmese Pythons (abound to an boilerplate of 16 to 23 feet long and counterbalance upwardly to 200 pounds), Reticulated Pythons (grow to an average of 20 feet long and weigh an boilerplate of 150 pounds) and Boa Constrictors (grow upwardly to xiii anxiety long and weigh more than 100 pounds).
  16. Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches– Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches are ane of the largest species of cockroaches, reaching lengths of 5 to vii.v centimeters at maturity. While they are legal to ain in California, they cannot be shipped to California from other states unless the shipper permits them.
  17. Mice
  18. Monitor Lizards– Monitor Lizards are large lizards with long necks, powerful claws & tails, and well-developed limbs. They are native to Africa, Asia, and Oceania.
  19. Ostriches
  20. Peacocks
  21. Pot-Bellied Pigs
  22. Pygmy Goats– Pygmy Goats are a small brood of domestic goats.
  23. Rats
  24. Scorpions
  25. Tarantulas
  26. Toucans
  27. Wolfdogs– (AKA Wolf Hybrids)- A wolfdog is a cross between a domesticated dog with either an Eastern Wolf, an Ethiopian Wolf, a Greyness Wolf, or a Red Wolf. Pure Wolves and beginning-generation (F1) wolfdogs are illegal in California, just all others are legal. The number that follows the alphabetic character F indicates how many generations abroad from a pure wolf the wolfdog is. For instance, a beginning-generation (F1) wolfdog means that either the mom or the dad is a pure wolf to the wolfdog and a second-generation (F2) wolfdog means ane of the grandparents is a pure wolf to the wolfdog.
  28. Yaks
  29. Zebras– All members of the Equidae family unit are legal in California. This includes donkeys, horses, and zebras.
  30. This ends the listing of legal pets in California.

Y'all can also watch it via MASpets on Youtube for the listing of legal exotic pets in California.

Listing of Illegal Exotic Pets in California

person not allowing someone to enter

Did y'all know that compared to other states, California has far more laws regarding pet ownership?

That'southward why it's of import for you to be aware of the legal status of an animal before taking it in every bit a pet.

Here's a list of illegal exotic pets in California.

  1. African Clawed Frogs
  2. Alligators & Crocodiles
  3. Anteaters
  4. Armadillos
  5. Axolotls– Axolotls are an aquatic species of salamanders with tiny eyes and no eyelids. They are illegal to have in California because they are an endangered species.
  6. Bats
  7. Big Cats– Large Cats (Cheetahs, Cougars, Jaguars, Leopards, Lions, and Tigers) are illegal to ain in California because they are large powerful animals capable of severely injuring or killing humans. More specifically, these cats endanger people who live in the home and effectually the holding and people living in the neighborhood, and first responders who are not equipped to manage a big cat who may have escaped.
  8. Bushbabies
  9. Caimans– Caimans are 1 of several species of reptiles from Primal America and South America. They are closely related to alligators.
  10. Capybaras– Capybaras are giant cavy rodents considered the largest living rodent. Adults weigh 77 to 150 pounds, stand nearly 20 to 25 inches high, and measure 3.5 to iv.4 feet long. They are native to S America.
  11. Chipmunks
  12. Degus– Degus are small, burrowing rodents native to Central Chile and Northern Chile.
  13. Elephants
  14. Ferrets
  15. Foxes
  16. Gerbils
  17. HedgehogsAre hedgehogs illegal in California? According to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (two) (CDFW), all 17 species of hedgehogs are restricted from beingness possessed as pets because they can get pests when introduced into the wild, where they don't naturally occur.
  18. Kangaroos– Kangaroos are only legal to keep as pets in thirteen states,/ and California is not 1 of them.
  19. Kinkajous– Kinkajous are tropical rainforest mammals that are related to raccoons. These critters are not legal in California considering they are considered wild animals and are not native to the state. Kinkajous are native to Central America and Southward America.
  20. Komodo Dragons
  21. Lemurs
  22. Minks
  23. Moles
  24. Monkeys– In California, monkeys can only be owned, with a permit, by qualified individuals, such every bit those preparation monkeys to perform in movies and on television or for utilize in medical enquiry.
  25. Opossums
  26. Otters
  27. Owls– According to the International Owl Center (4), individual individuals in the Us cannot keep owls as pets. Notwithstanding, "they may only exist possessed by trained, licensed individuals while existence rehabilitated, every bit foster parents in a rehabilitation facility, as role of a convenance plan, for educational purposes, or certain species may be used for falconry in some states."
  28. Prairie Dogs– Prairie Dogs are illegal in California to protect agriculture, natural resources, public health & safety, and wild fauna.
  29. Quaker Parrots– AKA Monk Parrots- Quaker Parrots are minor bright green birds with grey breasts and a yellow belly. They are illegal in the state because they are deemed an invasive species since they are native to Southward America, specifically Argentine republic, Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay. Also, California views Quaker Parrots as an agricultural threat because they can breed quickly. These parrots can lay as many as six clutches (groups) of eggs each year, with each clutch having between 5 to 12 eggs.
  30. Raccoons
  31. Skunks
  32. Sloths– Sloths are illegal in California to foreclose the depletion of populations in the wild. Half-dozen species of sloths currently exist and two of them are considered endangered- the Pygmy and the Maned (both of them are three-toed sloths).
  33. Squirrels
  34. Vultures
  35. Weasels – This ends the list of illegal pets in California.
  36. Sugar GlidersAre saccharide gliders legal in CA? No, they are illegal to own as pets in the country. Lookout this video for further details

Practise Y'all Need An Exotic Pet License In California?

dog holding a california license for animals

If you live in the great state of California, you need to know that if you want to own certain exotic pets you will need to obtain an exotic brute license (aka exotic pet license).

This is a requirement established by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and all pet owners should be enlightened of them.

Co-ordinate to the California Section of Fish and Wildlife (5), permits are required for every person who imports, exports, transports, or possesses whatsoever restricted animate being listed in Title 14, Section 671 of the California Lawmaking of Regulations (CCR).


Can I own a monkey in California with a permit?

monkey chilling around

Yes, if you are a qualified individual.

Tin you own a Caiman in California?


Can I own a tiger in California?

tiger chilling around

No. Big cats are illegal in the state.

Are zebras legal in California?


Are chinchillas legal in California?


Are Axolotls legal in California?

axolotls chilling around

No. They are considered endangered.


There is no doubt that California has some of the strictest exotic animate being laws in the country.

This is done non only to protect the residents of the state just also to protect certain animal species.

However, there is a lengthy list of legal pets in California. So, what exotic animals are legal in California? The list to a higher place highlights twenty-nine legal animals you tin own.

What Exotic Animals Can I Own in California

Let us know what your thoughts are nigh California's Laws regarding exotic animals downwards below!


one. nine CFR § i.1 – Definitions. [Cyberspace]. LII / Legal Information Institute. Bachelor from: https://world wide web.police

2. Why tin't I have a hedgehog, carbohydrate glider, ferret, or other restricted, non-native species as a pet in California? [Internet]. Available from:

three. Connor M. CTTC – California's Let System for Desert Tortoises [Internet]. 2017 [cited 2022 April 28]. Available from:

four. Owls every bit Pets [Internet]. International Owl Center. Bachelor from: https://world wide

5. Restricted Species Permits [Internet]. [cited 2022 Apr 28]. Bachelor from:



Deanna is a passionate animal lover. She is the mom of several guinea pigs and sugar gliders.
When she'southward not writing, Deanna loves listening to country music, or watching Dancing With The Stars.
Read her : Latest Articles


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