
DiRT Rally 2.0 Game of the Year Edition coming to PC, Xbox One and Playstation 4

DiRT Rally 2.0 has now been out for but over a year, and has since then added a sleugh of new content and features. To celebrate a successful twelvemonth, Codemasters is putting together a "ultimate" edition that bundles all the DLC and packs into one Game of the Yr Edition. Players who purchase the game volition go Dirt Rally 2.0 and Seasons 1-four included, besides every bit the upcoming 'Flat Out' expansion pack that focuses on the career of Colin McRae, adding new vehicles, locations, challenges and more.

Dirt Rally 2.0 GOTY Edition volition be available on PC, Xbox One, and Playstation 4 starting March 27, 2022. Players who take purchased the Palatial Edition of Dirt Rally 2.0 or whatsoever of the total Season passes volition recieve the new Colin McRae content for complimentary, but other players will either demand to buy the pack standalone (bachelor starting March 24, 2022) or get information technology through the GOTY Edition. Information technology seems that this will be the final injection of fresh content for DiRT Rally 2.0, equally the team at Codemasters turns to future projects.

Ross Gowing, the Game Director for DiRT Rally ii.0 at Codemasters, said "Afterwards twelve months of working with our community and improving DiRT Rally two.0, it'southward peachy to have one complete packet for both existing fans and new players to the franchise. Adding the Colin McRae Flat Out pack is the icing on the block and the perfect style for the team to close the DiRT Rally 2.0 chapter and focus on the future of rally."

Overall, this looks like a slap-up compilation for fans of rally, and a solid entry signal for players interested in trying out the games. Are you going to become DiRT Rally 2.0 Game of the Year Edition? Or is the proper name just a little as well long for y'all? Let us know in the comments beneath!


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